Just got this from my source in Ohio. There’s some really important info in it so I’m sending it along.
Three days ago, pro-choice advocates submitted 710,131 signatures to the Ohio Secretary of State, virtually guaranteeing that their initiative providing a state right to abortion will be on the ballot this November. And on June 27, the first public poll came out on Issue 1, the GOP’s attempt to prevent Ohioans from passing that initiative or other progressive initiatives by requiring a 60% majority on state constitutional amendments. The result: 38% supported the Republican initiative and 37% opposed, with 26% undecided. The extremely large number of undecideds is likely because Issue 1 is not partisan on its face, and many Ohioans still don’t know much of anything about it. Because so few people vote in an Ohio August special election (as low as 8% in the past), the poll demonstrates that we can win this election through persuasion of the undecideds and turning out the Democratic base.
Let’s do it. A win in Ohio following our big victory in the Wisconsin Supreme Court race in April would give us both a sweet reason to celebrate and momentum going into the November Virginia and North Carolina state elections. More importantly, it will make it highly likely that 12 million Ohioans will win reproductive rights in November. The same poll showed that the pro-choice initiative is supported by 58%, and opposed by only 23%, with 20% undecided. The poll language asking about the abortion initiative was more favorable than the ballot language will be, so the vote in November is likely to be much closer than the poll would indicate. But the poll shows that if we beat the 60% initiative, we should be able to win in November, too. It also suggests that a high percentage of undecideds are likely to vote against Issue 1, if someone explains to them the link between the 60% initiative and abortion rights.
Please do your part. Your financial donations here can help the Ohio Democratic Party hire more volunteer coordinators and buy the literature canvassers need. Phone-banking with the ODP here or writing letters with Working America here or postcards with Blue Wave here can create the turn-out we need to win.Working America is sending letters to its members in five selected locations. Blue Wave is sending its postcards to voters who signed a petition to put a $15 minimum wage initiative on the ballot. Those voters should oppose Issue 1 so the minimum wage initiative can pass. Both of those efforts are smartly targeted and should be effective.
Please pass this email along to people you know that might benefit from this information, or who might be willing to help Ohio.
Good stuff, right? Please pick a way to help, and please share! Thanks!
My 97 yr old mother will be voting in August. If she can get to the polls no one has an excuse to stay home.
Have passed along to chair of our Indivisible group so she can share with membership! Once again thanks for all you do to keep us informed on options for action in Ohio!!!