Hi, Ohio supporters!
Just came across this new David Pepper piece and had to share—if you don’t subscribe to his “Pepperspectives” I highly recommend you do, since it’s all about Ohio politics. It’s awesome.
The article provides another good example of the Ohio GOP’s corruption, brokenness, and unfitness for governing. It also tells you what you can do about it (spoiler alert: help flip three OH Supreme Court seats this November!)
Read it here.
Oh, and if you’d like to hear David speak on the importance of helping to flip state state legislatures he’s doing so, along with North Carolina Dem Chair Anderson Clayton, on Thursday May 9 at 7PM ET on Zoom.
RSVP and learn more about the May 9 event here. It’ll be amazing.
OK, more soon.
Mr. Pepper is shouting about all the corruption I've been talking about here in Ohio for years. Fortunately, his voice carries far more weight than mine, and maybe people will really pay attention now. What Mr. Yost fails to comprehend is the fact We The Voters said, loud and clear, to keep his political ass out of our Doctor's office, and out of our bedrooms.