Hey, all!
Happy almost Juneteenth!
I wanted to make you aware of two great new ways to help us win in Ohio.
✍🏼 Write letters to voters in Ohio! Vote Forward has an easy template that you just print, add a few sentences to, then send. These letters WORK! Help increase turnout with this effective tactic. Send as you write—at latest by August 1st.
☎️ Swing Blue has launched every-Monday phonebanks into OH from 5:30-7:30 ET. I’ve signed up for pretty much all of them. I’m committing to this because losing this election would be a devastating blow not just to abortion rights but to democracy itself, and I just can’t sit by and let that happen. I hope some of you will join me by signing up here.
💰 And don’t forget, the Ohio Democrats still need donations—they have to raise 11M for this election. You can give here.
Thanks, all! More soon!
Thank you, Jessica!! The race to the bottom by Ohio Republicans is astounding, and picking up speed daily. The Ohio Dems got help from me today, and I hope your voice helps more join in and donate.