Thank you, Jessica, for shining the light on the continuing corruption in my home state. It's absolutely appalling how low these cretins will go. My state is, in my opinion, one of the most gerrymandered states in the union. But for some crazy reason, it's turned a hideous shade of red over that past years, and no matter how loud I try to be, I can't make people understand that everytime they vote Red, they effectively shoot themselves in the foot. So again, thanks for the spotlight. You're the BEST!!

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Thank you Daniel! Are you a member of Blue Ohio? They’re really doing great work.

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I'd like to be, Jessica, but right now, I've got some major medical issues that are demanding quite a bit of my time AND energy. Not to mention tending to the needs of my elderly parents. I'll be OK, and my folks are a Labor of Love, but it doesn't leave a lot of wiggle room. But I'll look them up. Maybe there's some way I can help that won't require my being out and about. Thanks for letting me know. Wish I had YOUR energy!

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So I just signed up!! Don't know just how involved I'll be able to be, but I'm on board!! Thanks!

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Oh yeah it’s all on zoom!

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